For many people public speaking is major challenge, but not for Year 4 students Imogen and Braxton who achieved success at the annual Year 3 and 4 IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge at Wesley College on Tuesday 9 August.
Braxton was awarded a gold medal and Imogen a bronze medal, for their rounds at the prestigious interschool event run by the Independent Private School Heads Association.
Mrs Vaughan’s students prepared their own four minute speeches with Imogen speaking about ‘Why being a kid is so hard’ and Braxton explaining ‘How to write a speech’.
In round one they were grouped with six other students, and all students presented their speeches to be judged. Imogen presented in an excellent manner and spoke confidently.
Braxton received a gold medal for his round and was invited to the final round where he spoke to a full auditorium. His light-hearted speech engaged the audience and had them laughing along with his observations about his family! Braxton was awarded second place for the whole evening, which is a tremendous achievement.
St James’ is proud of Imogen and Braxton, who spoke in such a confident manner and who wore their uniform with pride.