Pathways & Careers
One school. One journey. Multiple pathways.
St James’ Anglican School aims to empower students to plan their transition from Senior School to their ideal post school pathway or career through identifying their strengths, passions, future goals and preferred learning style; all in relation to their career journey. We take pride in the many pathways we offer our students; fully appreciating each student has their own interests and skills.
Pathways to success
St James’ strives to provide quality support and counselling dedicated to assisting students in making informed decisions about their career pathways, inclusive of school and post school education, training and employment options. Each year, a parent information session is held for all parents and guardians to build on their understanding of ATAR, General education and Vocational Education and Training (VET).
Real-life experience
Throughout their Senior School journey, students will be exposed to a wide variety of guest speakers, attend excursions, workshops and off-site Try-A-Trade opportunities.
In Year 10, all students participate in Career Discovery Week as well as the opportunity to engage in a work experience program.
Dive in and explore
Contact our Head of Careers and VET
St James’ Head of Careers and VET, Mr Daniel Thomas, is committed to providing guidance to students and parents regarding students’ future career paths and opportunities. To book a meeting with Mr Thomas, visit the Careers Office located in the Senior School Stage 4 building, or email; [email protected]
Daniel Thomas
Head of Careers and VET