Pastoral Care

Fostering positive relationships

Pastoral Care at St James’ is fully integrated throughout the teaching, learning and structural organisation of the School to effectively meet the needs of the students and staff. The holistic view of each individual ensures that the personal, social, wellbeing and academic needs are recognised and the necessary support structures are in place.

St James’ is focused on quality teaching and learning, fostering positive relationships amongst students, teachers, school staff and the wider community. Offering a wide variety of co-curricular activities and developing specific pastoral programs and support systems. These are recognised as essential in developing positive self-esteem, a sense of belonging, goal setting and risk taking, resilience and overall health and wellbeing.

Pastoral care groups

Within the Senior School, in addition to the above, each student belongs to a Pastoral Care Group (PCG), led by a Pastoral Care Tutor. The PCG Tutor is responsible for monitoring each child within their care for personal, social and academic development. As part of the Pastoral Care program, there are weekly planned activities to promote belonging and social cohesion. Outstanding effort, attitudes, behaviours and achievements are recognised in several ways including certificates, emails home, as well as individual and House rewards.

House groups

Each student and staff member is also part of a House – Cervantes, Eglinton, Twilight and Sydney. The House group is a constant throughout their school journey. The House system is designed to foster a sense of belonging and encourage friendly competition. The PCG Tutor is the first point of contact for students each day.

A holistic learning experience

At St James’ our focus is on the whole individual and not just the numbers on the scorecard at the end of their academic journey. We listen to our students and we encourage their voices.

The Pastoral Care program contributes to the overall sense of belonging that the student feels at school, ensuring that they are provided with the support and encouragement they need to develop into successful, happy and independent young adults.


At the start of each student’s journey at St James’, they are assigned to one of four houses. Each house name has been chosen to represent a shipwreck, acknowledging the maritime history of the area.

The House system supports students by fostering a sense of belonging and creating a community within a community. This provides an opportunity for students of all ages to develop friendships with other students and staff. Houses create a spirit of fun and comradery through Interhouse competitions such as carnivals, weekly House Time activities and sports; adding to the vibrancy of school life.

Each Friday, students wear their House shirt to school. St James’ Houses are:


Anglican foundation

St James’ Anglican School students will be given an education to prepare them to become contributing and successful members of the community and potential future leaders of that community. The School will aim to nurture each student so they are able to accept responsibility, demonstrate commitment and initiative, be self-disciplined and show sensitivity to the needs of others.

Students will receive a Christian education in the Anglican tradition and be encouraged to use it as a basis for living. The School will expect students to show the highest possible standards of courtesy, dress and behaviour.

Everyone has the opportunity to understand the importance of beliefs and values and to learn about the many ways different cultures express their faith.

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Term Dates

Student Dates
Term 1, 2024
Tuesday 30 January - Students commence
Thursday 28 March - End of Term 1
Term 2, 2024
Tuesday 16 April - Students commence
Friday 21 June - End of Term 2
Term 3, 2024
Monday 15 July - Students commence
Friday 20 September - End of Term 3
Term 4, 2024
Monday 7 October - Students commence
Tuesday 3 December - End of Term 4
Student Dates
Term 1, 2025
Monday 3 February - Students commence
Friday 11 April - End of Term 1
Term 2, 2025
Tuesday 29 April - Students commence
Friday 27 June - End of Term 2
Term 3, 2025
Monday 21 July - Students commence
Friday 26 September - End of Term 3
Term 4, 2025
Monday 13 October - Students commence
Tuesday 9 December - End of Term 4