
We are committed to wholeheartedly adopting sustainability as a core principle within our school

Our aim is to ensure that the upcoming generations of students inherit a world that surpasses our own in terms of sustainability.

To achieve this goal, we have implemented a series of initiatives that underline our dedication to sustainability. These initiatives collectively reflect our commitment to embedding sustainability into every facet of our school’s operations. Through such efforts, we aim to foster an environment where students not only receive an education but also learn to respect, appreciate and preserve the planet for generations to come.


Woolworths Grant

We have secured a grant from Woolworths to support our sustainability efforts. This grant enables us to fund projects and activities that promote environmentally friendly practices within our school vegetable gardens.


We have established a comprehensive composting program in collaboration with Nutmegz. Education. Through this initiative, we are diverting organic waste from landfills and creating nutrient-rich compost that benefits our gardens and grounds.

Junior School Market Stall

Our Junior School has taken the initiative to set up a market stall, which offers various sustainable and locally produced goods. This not only promotes responsible consumption but also serves as an educational platform for students to learn about where fresh food comes from.

Containers for Change

We actively participate in the Containers for Change program, emphasising the significance of recycling. By encouraging students, staff and the wider community to recycle drinks containers, we contribute to reducing waste and conserving resources. Money raised through this initiative is invested in our vegetable gardens.

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Term Dates

Student Dates
Term 1, 2024
Tuesday 30 January - Students commence
Thursday 28 March - End of Term 1
Term 2, 2024
Tuesday 16 April - Students commence
Friday 21 June - End of Term 2
Term 3, 2024
Monday 15 July - Students commence
Friday 20 September - End of Term 3
Term 4, 2024
Monday 7 October - Students commence
Tuesday 3 December - End of Term 4
Student Dates
Term 1, 2025
Monday 3 February - Students commence
Friday 11 April - End of Term 1
Term 2, 2025
Tuesday 29 April - Students commence
Friday 27 June - End of Term 2
Term 3, 2025
Monday 21 July - Students commence
Friday 26 September - End of Term 3
Term 4, 2025
Monday 13 October - Students commence
Tuesday 9 December - End of Term 4