

Choose your pathway

Students are prepared for a variety of pathways post Year 12. Those who wish to follow a university pathway are provided with the necessary skills and knowledge required for this. Those who wish to gain employment or continue on a vocational pathway are provided with experiences and guidance to maximise their chances of success.

Information sessions are available for parents to access and develop their own knowledge of what lies ahead for their children.

ATAR Results 2022


St James' Top ATAR Score 2022


St James' Median ATAR Score


WA State Average Median ATAR Score

Explore the St James’ Senior School journey

Year 7

Year 7 students focus is on the transition from Junior School to Senior School as students acquire growing independence, develop decision making skills, explore values and further refine their social and collaborative work skills. Students are encouraged to embrace a wide variety of opportunities in order to begin identifying their own interests. They are encouraged to question and explore other ways of thinking and world views.

Year 8

In Year 8, students continue to develop their exploration of the physical, social and technological world and gain familiarity and confidence with the methods and languages of particular disciplines. They are encouraged to understand that they are active participants in their own continuing development and that of their society and the world. Students are provided the opportunity to explore their own interests and endeavours through the selection of options as they move into Year 9. In Year 8, students are exposed to examinations for the first time as they develop time management, resilience, goal setting and study skills.

Year 9

In Year 9, students are increasingly encouraged to see the links between areas of learning and the interconnectedness of various fields. Teaching programs help students develop a broader and more comprehensive understanding of the context of their lives and the world in which they live. Students spend additional time exploring their own interests and endeavours through participation in option subjects. Pathways post school are explicitly addressed and a variety of enrichment opportunities are provided to explore these pathways including mock interviews, career exploration, TAFE Trade opportunities and workshops. Students experience semester examinations in Year 9 which further develop study skills, resilience, time management and goal setting.

Year 10

In Year 10, students are encouraged to develop a curious and questioning perspective. They have opportunities to explore different pathways for Years 11 and 12, identify their interests and strengths, and choose option subjects accordingly. Various information sessions, guest speakers, seminars and workshops on future pathways are available. Work experience is introduced to provide insights into life after school. Year 10 students also undergo semester examinations to enhance skills necessary for success in Years 11 and 12, including revision, time management, goal setting, growth mindset and literacy and numeracy abilities. Eligible Year 10 students complete the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) as part of their preparation for achieving the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

Year 11 and 12

In Years 11 and 12, students have a stronger sense of their own strengths, interests and goals. These play a major role in determining their decisions over the course of the two years. Students are involved in tasks that require them to clarify goals, show initiative and perseverance and continue to develop their ability to seek, use and evaluate information for a range of purposes. Students are monitored constantly as they move towards the achievement of their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). Guidance is provided to maximise success in both Year 11 and 12 and life post Year 12.

"The future depends on what you do today."
Mahatma Gandhi
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Term Dates

Student Dates
Term 1, 2024
Tuesday 30 January - Students commence
Thursday 28 March - End of Term 1
Term 2, 2024
Tuesday 16 April - Students commence
Friday 21 June - End of Term 2
Term 3, 2024
Monday 15 July - Students commence
Friday 20 September - End of Term 3
Term 4, 2024
Monday 7 October - Students commence
Tuesday 3 December - End of Term 4
Student Dates
Term 1, 2025
Monday 3 February - Students commence
Friday 11 April - End of Term 1
Term 2, 2025
Tuesday 29 April - Students commence
Friday 27 June - End of Term 2
Term 3, 2025
Monday 21 July - Students commence
Friday 26 September - End of Term 3
Term 4, 2025
Monday 13 October - Students commence
Tuesday 9 December - End of Term 4