Fees & Charges

Fees and charges are set annually by the School Council and approved by the Anglican Schools Commission (Inc.). School Fees are billed annually in the first week of Term 1 and are emailed to all families. Fees are payable 14 days from the statement date unless there is a payment arrangement in place by direct debit.


We offer discounted tuition fees for parents and caregivers who are in possession of an eligible concession card. To apply, please complete a Concession Card Assistance Form and make an appointment with our Accounts Department to lodge the form in person.

School fee calculator

School fee outline

See the School fees for 2024 below, with outline of discounts for siblings.


Junior School

Annual Resource Fee Development Levy (First Child only) Development Levy (Siblings) Stationery Levy Second Sibling 15% Discount off Annual Tuition Fees Third Sibling 30% Discount off Annual Tuition Fees Fourth Sibling 75% Discount off Annual Tuition Fees
PP - Year 2
Annual Resource Fee Development Levy (First Child only) Development Levy (Siblings) Stationery Levy Second Sibling 15% Discount off Annual Tuition Fees Third Sibling 30% Discount off Annual Tuition Fees Fourth Sibling 75% Discount off Annual Tuition Fees
Year 3 - 6

Senior School

Annual Resource Fee Development Levy (First Child only) Development Levy (Siblings) Stationery Levy Second Sibling 15% Discount off Annual Tuition Fees Third Sibling 30% Discount off Annual Tuition Fees Fourth Sibling 75% Discount off Annual Tuition Fees
Year 7 - 9
Year 10 - 12
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Term Dates

Student Dates
Term 1, 2024
Tuesday 30 January - Students commence
Thursday 28 March - End of Term 1
Term 2, 2024
Tuesday 16 April - Students commence
Friday 21 June - End of Term 2
Term 3, 2024
Monday 15 July - Students commence
Friday 20 September - End of Term 3
Term 4, 2024
Monday 7 October - Students commence
Tuesday 3 December - End of Term 4
Student Dates
Term 1, 2025
Tuesday 4 February - Students commence
Friday 11 April - End of Term 1
Term 2, 2025
Tuesday 29 April - Students commence
Friday 27 June - End of Term 2
Term 3, 2025
Monday 21 July - Students commence
Friday 26 September - End of Term 3
Term 4, 2025
Monday 13 October - Students commence
Tuesday 9 December - End of Term 4